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Date: Mon, 1 Aug 94 04:30:22 PDT
From: Ham-Equip Mailing List and Newsgroup <ham-equip@ucsd.edu>
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Subject: Ham-Equip Digest V94 #264
To: Ham-Equip
Ham-Equip Digest Mon, 1 Aug 94 Volume 94 : Issue 264
Today's Topics:
Bullet proof Handheld?
Radio Shack HF Rig R
Radio Shack HF Rig Rumor (2 msgs)
RS HTX-202 help?
Wanted - 70cm Antenna
What's with 220 ???
Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Ham-Equip@UCSD.Edu>
Send subscription requests to: <Ham-Equip-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
Archives of past issues of the Ham-Equip Digest are available
(by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-equip".
We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
Date: 31 Jul 1994 13:53:40 -0400
From: news.pipeline.com!not-for-mail@uunet.uu.net
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
A great job with a great company is available for an
experienced VHF/UHF systems engineer with extensive experience
specifying land mobile radio systems --- base stations,
repeaters, trunking. It's a "box" level assignment.
The company deploys such systems throughout the former Soviet
Union, through New York and Moscow offices.
Experience in the following regions helpful:
* Motorola experience, two-way; indoor and antenna *
Point-to-multipoint UHF
* Knowledge of vendors and comparative price/benefit of
alternative solutions
* Microwave terrestrial and satellite
* Computer skills for presentation to clients & colleagues. *
Internet to AX.25 radio links
* Good health and ability to travel 4 times a year to remote
sites in former SU
* Amateur radio license/experience/fanatacism/menatlity a
considerable plus
Please state salary requirements in e-mail reply. Company
offers full benefits and alot of challenges.
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 94 06:42:37 GMT
From: news2.new-york.net!starcomm.overleaf.com!n2ayj!n2ayj@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Bullet proof Handheld?
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
>In article <30n1jb$2i5@scratchy.reed.edu>, jfilner@reed.edu (jfilner) writes:
> <...> I don't need any real fancy bells and
> whistles. What I want is a bulletproof radio. That is something close
> to or up to mil/police spec. Most of the new gear I've looked is tiny
> and delicate. I don't mind carrying a brick as long as it works.
As far as I know, nobody ever got fired for specifying Motorola. Our
sheriff, county PD, OEM, and most of the local PDs, FDs, and FASs have
Big M gear hanging off their hips. You can find the towns using Johnsons
and GE just by listening for the DTMF id's, logos, or whining. :{)
Stan Olochwoszcz, N2AYJ - n2ayj@n2ayj.overleaf.com
The Middlesex County, NJ, HAZ-MAT RAP - "Be\be\be\be be advised, K."
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 94 14:21:00 -0500
From: news.sprintlink.net!news.infi.net!exchange!john.tant@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Radio Shack HF Rig R
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
>>My informant says:
>>"I've been told that Radio Shack will soon be offering an HF transceive
>>SSB/CW, 160-10, general-coverage receiver, 100 watts output, built-in t
>>speech processor, noise blanker, keyer. Will sell for $299.99, and will
>>in stores August 15. Optional 20-amp supply, $19.99."
>>Can anyone verify this?
>You forgot to add that it will also include 2 and 6 meters, and a
>loop 95.764% efficient antenna.
>I also heard it has a built-in TNC, can work as a repeater, and with the
>optional $1.99 guidance system, can be deployed as a fully functional
>satellite! ($1,985,999,000 launch system not included)
>Sounds like a ripoff to me. They could at least throw in a lifetime supp
>of RG-213 and PL-259s...
Would you like to buy a TSP for this? It's only $1,379.95 and covers your
radio for FIVE years!!!
* WR # 365 * I don't just toot my own horn; I give music lessons!
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 94 06:08:40 GMT
From: news2.new-york.net!starcomm.overleaf.com!n2ayj!n2ayj@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Radio Shack HF Rig Rumor
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
And if it's not hanging on the wall in back, it's out of stock, but
we should have some next week.
Hey, Radio Shack, you got answers, huh? OK, I got a question -
How the hell do you people stay in business?!?!?!
I'll need the last four digits of your telephone number... :{)
Stan Olochwoszcz, N2AYJ - n2ayj@n2ayj.overleaf.com
Intensity is indicated by the color code at the top of the screen.
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 1994 22:08:51 GMT
From: iglou!gregl.slip.iglou.com!ke4dpx@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Radio Shack HF Rig Rumor
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
In article <Ctpwru.86M@srgenprp.sr.hp.com> alanb@hpnmarb.sr.hp.com (Alan Bloom) writes:
> Larry CONTRACTOR Keith Mr. (lakeith@robins.af.mil) wrote:
>: "I've been told that Radio Shack will soon be offering an HF transceiver.
>: SSB/CW, 160-10, general-coverage receiver, 100 watts output, built-in tuner,
>: speech processor, noise blanker, keyer. Will sell for $299.99, and will be
>: in stores August 15. Optional 20-amp supply, $19.99."
>The prices are unrealistically low.
Yes, these prices are unrealistically low. I wonder if he possibly meant
$2999.99 for the rig and $199.99 for the power supply. Or this could be
another bogus rumor flying around. I'm sure everyone has heard about the
dual-band HT, the 2-meter mobile and other paraphenalia Radio Shack is
supposed to have had in the works for the last two years.
> However, I have long believed that it should be possible
> to make a simple SSB/CW transceiver for a lot less than the $1000 or so that
> the cheapest current radios sell for. Leave out the synthesizer,
> microprocessor, and other bells and whistles and design the solid-state
> equivalent of the old Heathkit SB-102. I bet it could be done for under
> $500.
Just curious, but have you looked at the TenTec Scout lately? It goes for
about $500 and uses modules for each band. The modules cost about $35 if
memory serves me correctly.
73 de Greg AMPRNet - ke4dpx@ke4dpx.ampr.org []
AX.25 - ke4dpx@wi9p.#ncky.ky.usa.noam
Internet - gregl@iglou.com
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 94 14:43:11 -0500
From: news.delphi.com!usenet@uunet.uu.net
Subject: RS HTX-202 help?
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
Hi I also have a RS HTX 202
Hi. Very nice radio and Im pleased with it's
performance especially when you hook it up to a good antenna !
Radio Shack has a 5/8 wave mobile tworks great mobile and a discone
that does exceptional for a base setup. Anyways back to the question,
M , and now don't
care if it gets hot.Can't help with the battery part of your post .
Date: 31 Jul 1994 11:26:31 GMT
From: gatech!usenet.ins.cwru.edu!cleveland.Freenet.Edu!aa813@uunet.uu.net
Subject: VHF HT's
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
In a previous article, sailou@aol.com (Sailou) says:
> Iam considering the purchase of a Kenwood TH-22AT.CAn any one comment on
>this model?Iam concerned with any intermod problems, specificaly in the
>San Diego , Ca. area.Would I be better off with another brand (ht202) and
>forget the extended recieve? Any and all comments welcome as this is my
>1st 2meter purchase.E-mail if your so inclined.Thanx in advance!
The TH-22AT has significant intermod problems in urban areas where there
is a lot of RF near to it. Downtown Cleveland is bad. It works well in
the suburbs. The problem downtown is worse if I try to run it through a
mobile antenna. Kenwood suggests using ONLY the rubber duck that comes
with it. I have not used the HT-202 and will let others comment on it.
73, Joe
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 94 20:09:40 EST
From: panix!usenet@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Wanted - 70cm Antenna
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
I'm looking for an inexpensive antenna for use on 448 Mhz. I need the antenna
for a 9600 bps packet link. I am within a few miles of the "repeater", so I
don't need much gain. In fact, I currently use a rubber duck on a suction cup
mounted on the inside of a window facing the right direction. It works well,
but the greater gain of a "real" antenna, and being outside in the clear would
reduce the ber. Anyone got something sitting in a closet or basement?
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 94 06:14:58 GMT
From: news2.new-york.net!starcomm.overleaf.com!n2ayj!n2ayj@uunet.uu.net
Subject: What's with 220 ???
To: ham-equip@ucsd.edu
In article <jkauffmnCtrJ55.MH6@netcom.com> jkauffmn@netcom.com writes:
>: Sounds to me like a niche market waiting to be served. Any
>: entrepeneurial types out there?
> It sounds to me like RS could make a killing with an HTX-303.
Gag, choke, splurt, sputter, ACK! Cough, cough.
Sorry, allergies must be acting up...
Stan Olochwoszcz, N2AYJ - n2ayj@n2ayj.overleaf.com
Intensity is indicated by the color code at the top of the screen.
End of Ham-Equip Digest V94 #264